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Join us in our journey raising three kids, two dogs, and a relationship with God. We are a simple family with traditional beliefs, who tries to notice the joys and pleasures in every day life. Please feel free to subscribe and leave comments. I love hearing from you all, and I enjoy making new friends. Peace be with you, and God Bless.


"Be who you are, and say what you feel because those who matter don't mind and those who mind don't matter" ~Dr. Seuss~

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Day 17 - Perspective

Here I am, going on day 17 of my husbands deployment. The house is still present with moments of laughter, sadness, peace, and longing. We spend the majority of our days reading books, playing outside visiting friends, and coming up with some way to use our imagination.


Charlotte has taken on the role of "Mommy" in a big, and not so pleasant way. I know she is in the mimicking faze, and she is only doing what she sees me doing. I am trying to be patient, and not over react with her over what is just part of a 'growing' process. I have to say, it is a hard thing to do.


I admit, after reading the book "The Noticer" by Andy Andrews, I was a little more knowledgeable in the area of perspective. Everyone has perspective, but does everyone focus on the right sort of perspective that could enhance their life, and others around them? Take for instance, Charlotte. She is playing Mommy these days, disciplining her brother vocally, loving on her brothers through affection, and using her manners. I can not take the blame for the good, with out taking the blame for the bad as well. Instead of correcting her, telling her what she is doing is wrong, I need to change the way I am, and pray she picks up on the good. I need to start giving her more verbal praise when she is sweet natured towards him, and talk to her in a more gentle and softer tone when she is a bit more brash and unwelcoming towards him.


I have learned the motto "Do as I say, and not as I do" is a complete cop-out and lack of self discipline in living by this. It is easy to do, yes, but incredibly lazy, and very irresponsible.


If you curse around your children, of course they will curse.
If you use manners with your children, they will use manners as well.
If you yell at your children, they in turn will yell at their siblings or friends.
The list is limitless.
I am trying to take a new approach, and kick the habit of yelling, or voice raising in any way.


I am also trying to make sure, with every discipline, I also turn around and show twice the love. It is easy, very easy for me to punish my child for doing wrong, and then go about my day. I have to make a conscious effort to remember to turn around five or ten minutes after each incident and show them double the amount of love.


There are days, like today that I just want to pull out my hair from what seems everyone is suffering from "woke up on the wrong side of the bed" syndrome. These are the days that I have to lock myself in the bathroom, sit on the closed toilet, and pray to god to give me the patience, and the strength not to loose my patience, then regroup, and re-enter the world of moodiness.

It is a process that I am going through, and a change (a big change) that I am welcoming and wanting, and praying on.

My perspective -
I am blessed to have such a great roof over my head.
I am blessed to have three healthy and amazing children.
I am blessed that I have a wonderful man that loves me to no end
I am blessed that I have a feast to eat for breakfast, lunch, and dinner.
I am blessed that I have the power and chance to make my life and myself into what I dream.
I am blessed to have friends, true friends that care enough about me
I am blessed to have a wonderful mothers and fathers from both mine and my husbands side.
I am blessed that I am breathing.

Simply - "I AM BLESSED"

everything else in between seems so frivolous, and unimportant.

1 comment:

  1. girl - you're making me tear up over here. what you say is so true! and i have to work really hard not to raise my voice to bella because the mimicking thing is SOOO true! amen woman!
