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Join us in our journey raising three kids, two dogs, and a relationship with God. We are a simple family with traditional beliefs, who tries to notice the joys and pleasures in every day life. Please feel free to subscribe and leave comments. I love hearing from you all, and I enjoy making new friends. Peace be with you, and God Bless.


"Be who you are, and say what you feel because those who matter don't mind and those who mind don't matter" ~Dr. Seuss~

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Rain and Roots


I always find a happy calm in a rainy day. In more ways then one, I think my children feel that peace as well. Snuggled in pajamas all day on the couch reading books, and listening to the hard droplets fall with hot tea for everyone is magical. I wish it would rain like it is today much more often. I can only hope that thunder and lightning are to follow.

Confession: I love it when my children are sick, only because they are so loving and want nothing more in the world then to cuddle with their mother.
I also love it when it thunders. My children all become a bit fearful (and honestly I do too) and jump into my bed at night. It gives me those few sweet times that I can cuddle with my children and still feel like my hugs are still needed for their comfort.

As I sit here writing, my children are napping, and I am enjoying the smells and sounds of mother nature at work. As much as I enjoy sitting here enjoying from my covered lanai, there is a part of me that still wants to reach out to my childhood roots, run out and embrace it hands on. I can still remember my best friend/sister Courtney and I strapping on our roller blades, and skating around town each and every time it rained like this.

I do feel bad for my relatives that are in town. This rain can put a damper on the paradise setting you are trying to escape to from Seattle. My Uncle Tom and Aunt Linda arrived on Friday and will be here for the remaining of this week. I was fortunate enough to have been able to go out with them and my parents without children. We had a lovely dinner and wonderful conversation. I also was able to learn a lot more about my Jewish and Russian roots. Turn out my family escaped from Germany right when the Nazi's started to form. All my family that came over were doctors, lawyers, and all well educated, but was looking for a home that they could just fit in. During dinner we started to talk about the past and how important it was for most to just want to "be a part of the same beliefs" and how much it has changed today to where everyone wants to preach "individuality" instead of "sameness". This strikes me close to home when I know that the only reason why I am most likely here today is because of the need my family had to want to be a part of something with out persecution. The need to want to be welcomed and to fit in. They did too, becoming Mayors, doctors, lawyers, and very influential people in their communities.


It humbles me so much to know what my family went through for survival. I have no right to complain, or even dislike in any sorts of my life.
I am blessed by this knowledge of how I came to be, and by mother natures wonders.

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