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Join us in our journey raising three kids, two dogs, and a relationship with God. We are a simple family with traditional beliefs, who tries to notice the joys and pleasures in every day life. Please feel free to subscribe and leave comments. I love hearing from you all, and I enjoy making new friends. Peace be with you, and God Bless.


"Be who you are, and say what you feel because those who matter don't mind and those who mind don't matter" ~Dr. Seuss~

Monday, April 5, 2010

Good Bye

Today was the dreadful day that our family prayed would never come, yet have been preparing for a couple of months now. Today Daddy Hughes (Chase) got on his massive steal boat, and set sail out into the big wide pacific on deployment. It was very sad to see him go. We are all silently counting the days until his return. We are fortunate enough to have some wonderful friends and family that are all praying for him and his safety.

I know I shouldn't complain, but with Chase now gone, my knee in bad shape still, and now with this horrible cold, I will be praying every morning that I can just make it through the day by myself. Taking one day at a time (don't think about tomorrow, just think about the hours in front of you), at least this is the approach that I am taking. I hate asking for help, not out of pride, but because I would not want anyone to feel as if I were taking advantage of them. I try to only ask for help when I seriously need it, like from an emergency stand point. This way I know that I am not using or abusing anyone, especially the people I most care about (cause these would be the people I would ask first).

The kids seem to be doing quite good. After all, they are used to there daddy's comings and goings due to the military. Charlotte asked me today after nap time, "Daddy home?", I informed her that daddy was at work, and she said "Daddy's at work, coming home later." and said nothing more of it.

The children too, have been coming down with (I think) the same sickness I am suffering from. From wiping my own nose, two more children's noses, and Jordan wiping his nose, we have managed to go through a whole box of tissue just today. It has been very hard trying to sanitize this house with tissues flying all over the place, and not to mention each time Jackie gets a hold of one of them (they end up in shreds).
We are embracing the sanitizing wipes, hot tea, blankets, pillows, tissues, and "The little Einsteins" and "Veggie Tales" in this house today. If one could turn invisible and walk into our home, they would think that the lot of us were pretty pathetic with our tissues, blankets, and hot tea all curled up around the computer watching our shows. No matter if they are sick or well, there is always a cure all for these kids in this house - the magic words "Want Chocolate?".
When Jordan came home from school today, he brought home a surprise - his school pictures! Man, that boy is getting more and more handsome as the days go by. Why is it that he will pose so nice, and smile so nice for the camera man at school, and not his own mommy? His pictures turned out wonderfully. I am so excited to start addressing envelopes and sending them off to relatives.

We had a wonderful Easter despite the sickness and bum knee. Chase took the kids to Church, and the whole congregation stood around him, and placed their hands on him to say a prayer for him for his deployment and presented him with a lei. I wish I could have been there. Unfortunately, I was in bed, and could hardly move Sunday morning, so I was at home sick - in bed. My parents came by later on in the day and brought gifts for all the kids, and some delicious red velvet cake. It was so nice to see them.

It is now time for me to take my meds, and go to bed. I will try to write each and every day, but of course, I can make no promises. Chase, if you are reading this, We love you, and miss you. Goodnight everyone.


  1. Chase, Jordan wanted me to tell you on here that he loves and misses you!

  2. Sorry to hear about your knee and cold. Hope both heal quickly. I love coming to your blog to see what's happening with you guys!! Wish you were here.
    Aunt Nita
