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Join us in our journey raising three kids, two dogs, and a relationship with God. We are a simple family with traditional beliefs, who tries to notice the joys and pleasures in every day life. Please feel free to subscribe and leave comments. I love hearing from you all, and I enjoy making new friends. Peace be with you, and God Bless.


"Be who you are, and say what you feel because those who matter don't mind and those who mind don't matter" ~Dr. Seuss~

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Friends, Eggs, and Animals

The Hughes and The Monaco Children

We had a fabulous time today at some friends of ours home. They opened up their home to our family and some other friends of ours, the Monaco's. Bob and Pat were very sweet allowing both of our families (the five of us, and the six of them) to come over and hang out with them for the day. They had a fabulous lunch for us all, and had an egg dying kit, and Easter eggs hidden in their backyard for the kids to go hunting for.

(Dying home grown Easter eggs)
(Hunting for Easter Eggs)
Bob worked in Agriculture here in Hawaii decades before Chase and I were ever born. His array of vegetation that he has growing all around his house is amazing! They Even own five goats, which they milk every day and use that milk to make their own cheese, and for drinking. They also have many hens they collect eggs from on a daily basis. They even make their own chocolate, and coffee. They grow everything from cinnamon, nutmeg, to ginger and taro.

(Bob Picked a Cocoa Pod to cut open for us)
(These are the cocoa beans inside that you use to make chocolate! They were delicious to suck on!)
(Bob was showing us the Vanilla bean tree. This is the Vanilla flower...
(... and because there are no insects here in Hawaii to pollinate the flower, Bob has to do it himself every day!)
(Did you know that in order to grow nutmeg you have to have a male and female tree? On the left is the female tree, and to the right is the male tree.)

(some of the Coffee that Bob and Pat grow)

The Children had such a great time with one another and with all the animals! Charlotte fell in love many times with all the goats and Chickens. She even was allowed in to the area that they keep all the goats in, and showed "NO FEAR". She would chase after them trying to feed them a palm leaf, and they would just run away. When she would get her hands on one of the chickens, she felt the need to kiss it over and over again. William would adore the animals from afar. Jordan on the other hand, made quite a bond with one of the chickens.

(Charlotte could not keep her hands off the hen)
(Jordan's new found best friend)
(Charlotte and Jordan feeding the goats some tea leaves)
(The quiet before the storm)
(and then it storms)
(Bob to the rescue!)

The lunch was amazing! Delicious ham, a variety of cheese, watermelon, oranges, strawberries, taro chips and some delicious (and very unique) sandwiches the Monaco's brought. The watermelon and strawberries were a huge hit.

(Charlotte just devoured her watermelon, making a mess of it everywhere!)
(William's new found love for Watermelon ....)
(... and strawberries)
Thank you Bob and Pat for having us all over to your precious home. We had so much fun with the Monaco's and you both. It was a lovely afternoon, and a fabulous and fun learning adventure.

(Marcie (super mommy) Monaco)
(By the end of the day William was so tired. He just held on to Pat and wouldn't let go! Thank you so much Pat...)
(and Bob for the wonderful day!)

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