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Join us in our journey raising three kids, two dogs, and a relationship with God. We are a simple family with traditional beliefs, who tries to notice the joys and pleasures in every day life. Please feel free to subscribe and leave comments. I love hearing from you all, and I enjoy making new friends. Peace be with you, and God Bless.


"Be who you are, and say what you feel because those who matter don't mind and those who mind don't matter" ~Dr. Seuss~

Friday, July 2, 2010

"You Have Mail"

Imagine coming out of the bathroom only to find your three year old daughter "nowhere in sight". you check upstairs, down stairs, and out back. Nothing. Your front door and garage door have child proof door handles around the knobs, so is it possible she was able to manage those just fine?

I run out the garage door, out to the driveway - nothing.

I run out to where the drive way meets the street and look right - nothing

Look left - nothing...... At first.

My heart is pounding harder then ever, my stomach is turned upside down, and all I want to do is cry.

Standing at the intersection where driveway meets street, my neighbor yells to me from the mail boxes.

" Umm... I think you have mail."

My clever daughter has not only found a way to escape the restraint of child proofing and get past the doors, she has also taken a liking to loitering around the mail boxes.

Or should I say, "in the mail boxes"


Bending down, and opening up the door to one of our package boxes, their she was, curled up with her brand new Penelope pea pod doll, leaving the door to this cubby closing her perfectly inside.


Needless to say now, when I hear someone at my door mention that I have mail in some sorts, I immediately start looking for my daughter.


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