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Join us in our journey raising three kids, two dogs, and a relationship with God. We are a simple family with traditional beliefs, who tries to notice the joys and pleasures in every day life. Please feel free to subscribe and leave comments. I love hearing from you all, and I enjoy making new friends. Peace be with you, and God Bless.


"Be who you are, and say what you feel because those who matter don't mind and those who mind don't matter" ~Dr. Seuss~

Monday, March 22, 2010

Morning After Photo Shoot Madness!

Every time I have a shoot that runs late, I always take down my equipment in the morning. Every time the kids come down, and see everything set up, they always love to mess around with it. I take this time to get in a few shots of my precious little ones. Chase and I even took some of ourselves for fun!

I love how in each photo William has a different expression.


  1. really good the ones of you and chase!

  2. girl, William is looking more and more like Chase =) their all such good looking kids!!!!!!! Oh you two too of course =)
